Annette Truong is twin #1 of 4. She is married with two adorable kids.
She currently works at AskJeeves in the Silicon Valley, California.
Her roots are in Northern Canada, where most of her family still lives.
Unit Testing
DHTML & Java Script
Extreme Programming (not practiced yet...)
Java Language (I tried to like Java, I really did...)
April 29 2004 We bought a house this month! Closed on April 15. We'll be moving to San Jose from Los Gatos in May.
April 2004 Penny is back in Canada from her 6 month honeymoon in Australia & New Zealand. While she was there she got a job as a call center person, and worked on a pear farm picking pears. She went rock climbing, surfing, backpacking and bungee jumping. Makes me want to get married all over again (my own honeymoon was a 6-day backpack hike up the Berg Lake Trail by Mount Robson in the Canadian Rockies, in between a 2 week drive from the Atlantic to Pacific oceans in Canada & the USA. 5 years ago, seems like yesterday...)
Nov 4 2003 I bought a plane ticket to visit my friend Mary Lou in Spokane, Washington next month. I'll be taking Emily with me and leaving James at home with his daddy for the weekend.
Oct 11 2003 My sister Penny got married today in Fraser Lake, BC. It was the excuse we needed to visit the family. She is now honeymooning in Australia.
Sep 15 2003 James broke his other collar bone this month! I didn't even know for 5 days. He was running full kilter at the water park and did a dive bomb onto the pavement. Came up crying. After 20 seconds of comforting, he was back up, running around. Finally, after 5 days of his shoulder still hurting, I took him to the doctor and they spotted the break in an xray.
June 9 2003 Everybody I know in Northern Canada is chomping at the bit for us to vacation there this summer. We have tentative plans to head up there the end of August.
June 7 2003 Next door neighbors had a dot.bomb garage sale this weekend. Wandering through their yard of relics brought back nostalgia. Anybody need high-end office furniture?
June 6 2003 Emily's first birthday! We got a small piece of cake from Safeway and let her loose (they sell individual pieces of cake, amazingly). We didn't have any birthday candles so I used a large aromatherapy candle 'on the side' that somebody gave us for Christmas and we didn't find a use for until now (too many asthmatics in our family for additional air pollution). James blew out the candle because Emily nearly scorched her eyebrows to a crisp.
June 4 2003
Current hobby: trying to get Paypal IPN to work using nothing but free stuff. It's very hard to find a free web host that allows full use of PHP & mysql. Actually I haven't found one yet. Settled on (which is not free...)
May 29-30 2003 Scraped together enough PTO to take a day and a half quilt class from Mary Lou Weidman when she came to the Bay area. Started quilt entitled Beautiful British Columbia.
May 21 2003 Moles, ground squirrels or other rodents have eliminated the peas from our garden. The last pea plant was consumed this week. Only the squash, carrots, and onions live on.
May 18 2003 James has rediscovered (and Emily has discovered) the joys of swimming in our pool. Yes, even in California it gets too cold to swim outdoors for much of the year.
April 30 2003 Kids are both healthy for the time being. All PTO used up for hospital stay.
April 25 2003 James is better now but still taking antibiotics. Emily started wheezing too so we had her checked for pneumonia. They gave her antibiotics and albuterol which seem to be working.
April 19-24 2003 We took James to the hospital because he had a fever of 104 for a couple days. Turned out to be pneumonia with complications due to asthma. 4 days spent in hospital.
April 15, 2003 James is doing much better and can run around an play like normal. His right arm is still in a sling.
April 2, 2003 James broke his collar-bone today in an accident on a merry-go-round.
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