Bethany Andres Beck

My geek-doms are all over the map; theater, economics, history, art, science fiction/fantasy and computers, which is what I do for money. I have just begun as a programmer for a public health modeling project in Boston after spending a year doing an unrelated and boring job to pay my bills. I graduated from Smith College December 2004 with my BA in Theater. It was a great school, even if there seemed to be this nagging sense that computers were too practical for a liberal arts college. In my spare time I enjoy my brand new AMD 3800+ processor, Alton Brown's Good Eats, reading The Economist and making other people feel old.

I code not because it's fun, which it is, and not because people pay me, which they do. I code because I can immerse myself in a logical world that puts me in a battle of wits with an infinitely stupid machine. Nothing else I do holds the same depth of facination, the same level of interest or the same ability to miss multiple meals and not notice except books, and I have yet to find a salaried job reading.

You can contact me at

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