Welcome to my Wiki Home Page!
I may be reached at howard.lee.harkness@gmail.com, or at the email addresses listed on any of my websites. I have 'wiki' in my whitelist, so please include that in your subject line if you email me.
My "vanity site" is howardleeharkness.com along with my current resume.
In May of 2013, I landed a contract doing embedded systems programming in C/Linux, which I hope will last until at least November 2013. Upon completion of my contract, I will probably seek a similar contract position. Plan B is to expand my violin teaching schedule.
Favorite mode of vacationing:
Favorite leisure activity:
Irish Sessions
Favorite food:
Grass-fed Ribeye (rare, of course), followed closely by smoked salmon with cream cheese.
Favorite OS/Distro:
Linux, Debian 7
I am currently a member of
The New Texas Symphony Orchestra (http://ntso.org) The Plano Early Lions Club (http://planolions.org)
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