IEEE Software Special Issue On Test Driven Development
Submission Deadline: 1 December 2006
Publication Date: July/August 2007
Call for Papers
TDD is attracting practitioners’ and researchers’ increasing attention. Thus, to help practitioners decide how TDD might fit into their situation, there is a need to describe early adopters’ experience in applying TDD techniques to a wide range of projects.
IEEE Software seeks articles for a special issue devoted to both the state of the practice and the state of the art of TDD. We’d like articles to address TDD use in a wide range of project types and styles, and we invite articles pointing to ways to succeed as well as ones describing problems encountered—whether or not they were ultimately resolved favorably. We’re especially interested in experience reports of test-driving large software projects, dealing with legacy code, and test-driving the maintenance of a legacy system.
Topics of interest include
good practices, patterns and anti-patterns for TDD
TDD in various industrial contexts (for example, information systems, the Web, and embedded systems)
dealing with large systems and scaling TDD
TDD and software maintenance
management challenges in implementing TDD
emergent design in TDD
economics (effectiveness) of TDD
introducing the discipline of TDD to developers with various levels of experience, socio-cognitive aspects
test-first complex GUIs
We encourage submissions to offer balanced perspectives and to address both benefits and limitations of the techniques discussed. We welcome contrarian submissions that call into question the practice of TDD (with empirical evidence presented).
Manuscripts must not exceed 5,400 words including figures and tables, which count for 200 words each. Submissions in excess of these limits may be rejected without refereeing. Papers within the special issue’s scope will be peer-reviewed and are subject to editing for magazine style, clarity, organization, and space.
Submissions must be original work. Papers that have appeared in a conference proceeding may be submitted but must undergo our detailed technical review process. To be accepted, a significant portion of the content must be new.
Follow the IEEE Software procedures as described in www.computer.org . Submit your article via the Computer Society's Electronic Submission System by 1 December. Specify that you are submitting it for the Test-Driven Development special issue.
Address inquiries regarding this issue’s focus or an article proposal to the Guest Editors: Grigori Melnik and Ron Jeffries
For author guidelines and submission details, please visit www.computer.org
Category Magazine (there is not one for Journal and it doesn't seem worth making a new one just for this.)
See original on c2.com