Jim Weirich

Jim Weirich

Consultant/Senior Specialist, Compuware; Chief Scientist, Edge Case, Chief Scientist Neo

sadly deceased, 20 Feb 2014

I am a consultant with Compuware in the Cincinnati area. (He's recently been promoted to co-mad scientist, but I just forgot in which company. -- Boris Stitnicky) I am interested in all things Object Oriented. I work mainly in C++ and Java, but have a strong interest in the Eiffel Language as well. I discovered the Ruby Language recently and am very excited about it. Check it out.

----# I am a member of the Cincinnati Java Users Group (www.cinjug.org ), where I give monthly talks. I am also a member of the Cincinnati Linux Users Group (www.clug.org ).

My OO Web Page: onestepback.org where I have blog as well as some articles on OO and general computing stuff.


Good to see you kibitzing on the Python pages again. You may be interested in adding a Ruby port to the Query String Parser Translations page. Look forward to it if you do. Cheers. -- Steve Howell

Thanks ... I don't want it to seem like I'm barging in on Python users saying "Hey, Use Ruby instead." ... That would be annoying. But it is interesting comparing different languages. The Query String problem looks longer ... don't know when I'll get to it. -- jw

Jim was one of the best debaters I ever encountered: patient, honest, detailed, articulate, asked good questions, and most important knew when things were stuck at an impasse and leaved them that way. --top (Updated Feb. 2014)

See original on c2.com