Mountain Dew

Panther piss... the term never stopped me from my morning go-juice. I would buy one cool tall 16 oz. bottle on the way to school in the morning, always leaving about 1/3 of it in my car for my afternoon journey to the kwickie-mart. Mountain Dew is the ONLY soda that is good cold or warm.

I'd like to know, before they used high fructose corn poison, did it contain just sugar? What year did they make the switch? The Mt. Dew that I can buy now just doesn't taste like I remember. But then, it could be that it tasted more pure when drunk from a glass bottle.

Mmmmmmmm..... Dewwwwwww........

also known in slang as The Beverage Of The Gods, Battery Acid, Holy Water, and Lion Piss

In a pre-emptive strike against American Cultural Assumption questioning:

What is it?

a translucent, yellow-green, carbonated soft-drink invented in Marion, Virginia, consisting of sugar, corn syrup, orange juice, and caffeine


because pepsico spends millions in advertising.

active brains need lots of sugar. Actually, sugar lag is pretty bad for active brains. Try just the caffeine instead. Or if you really need to think pick up a box of nicotine patches ...


looks like pee, avoid drinking from clear glasses

your dentist will consider you an "interesting" patient

* your dentist will consider you an "interesting" patient

Actually, I used to drink a lot of Coca Cola, and it gave me all sorts of cavities. A few years back I switched over to Mountain Dew (and similar beverages, such as Mellow Yellow, Faygo Moon Mist, and Sams Choice Mountain Lightning, all of which are actually better, btw (Mountain Dew is a bit thin for my tastes)), and I haven't had any cavities since! Apparently one possible explanation I've seen is that cola-colored beverages contain something called Phosphoric Acid, and the clear ones don't. -- Robert Or Bob

I Had This Pattern, then I moved to Europe.... Today I got my first 20oz container in six months. yay! I can code again!

I got the taste for Mountain Dew in 1999 during a visit to Los Angeles. Then I came back home to Britain and couldn't find it for four years. But I just discovered . Happy happy, joy joy!

Three months after the above line, I have a new definition of Battery Acid. The Finnish substitute for Mountain Dew is called 'Battery,' and it comes in a black and gold can with a large plus sign near the top of the can. It's great! Much better than Red Bull at least!

Is Mountain Dew that much better than say, Red Bull or Black Booster? Both in taste as in effect?

I haven't heard of Black Booster, but I can compare it with energy drinks in general. Red Bull and the others have more caffeine per volume than Mountain Dew. Energy drinks tend to contain other non-caffeine stimulants such as taurine, ginseng, niacin, and guarana (which also contains caffeine). Mountain Dew is just plain caffeine and sugar. Mountain Dew tends to have a more refined, less acidic, less bitter taste. Energy drinks tend to have a taste that I can best describe as "battery acid". Regular yellow Mountain Dew is the same, just with less battery acid. In fact, the taste is very similar to another drink called "Mellow Yellow", if the name of that drink tells you anything. Recently (last 5 years or so) there have been new flavors of mountain dew: red (cherry), orange (orange), and black (grape). There are also diet versions of yellow and red, which contain the came amount of caffeine but no sugar. -- Michael Sparks

Thanks. Black Booster was one of the first Energy Drinks in the Netherlands, and advertised as containing the maximum legal dose of caffeine. I recently found out that Mountain Dew is sold in the Netherlands by the America Today stores. I gave it a try - not bad. -- Aalbert Torsius

-- Actually, on the index of this I would recommend, in small doses combining a small bit of mountain dew with ones fav bitter energy drink, in small doses. I used it on the energy drink in N. america, 24 carat Gold. Then I called it Dew Zing! everyday there after. If you like a good buzz I suggest you try it, in SMALL DOSES. This is useful if you have allot of house cleaning too do. -- Ana

In Canada, Mountain Dew is not caffeinated; there's a law that forbids adding caffeine to non-colas. See the Food and Drugs act, Part 2, Table VI at . Listening to Americans talk about getting high on Mountain Dew was perplexing at first.

The law is against adding caffeine to any fruit-flavoured drink

Fruit? Of what fruit is Mountain Dew's flavour?

According to the Food Network, orange juice. Plus, of course, other citrus-y stuff.

That's very weird.

I was recently told that the law on the books in Canada was that any color of "soda" other than the standard brown cola color could not contain caffeine. Hence, PepsiCola and CocaCola and even Jolt Cola are fine, but Mountain Dew and (I would imagine) Water Joe are not. -- Dan Moniz

An anonymous poster from Canada claimed that it is caffinated there, but made the edit in a rude fashion, so I have reverted this page and paraphrased him thusly.

What's Water Joe? I've seen in some of the stores here (up in Canada) a drink called Buzz Water, which is basically caffeinated water, so that can't be illegal.

Also, in the United States, high fructose corn syrup is used in Mountain Dew (and most other soft drinks) in place of real sugar. Mountain Dew produced in Canada is made with real sugar.

"Mountain Dew and doughnuts: Because breakfast is the most important meal of the day." -- an old .sig line

In American High Schools, there's an urban legend that Mountain Dew makes the penis shrink. Mountain Dew officials deny this, but refused to be inspected. Woohoo!

Why not eat a bowl of sugar? It's just as stupid.

Sugar makes you thirsty. This is the brilliant solution to the problem, plus it has fruit flavoring. ;)

Tell your dentist and doctor that.

Artificial intelligence cannot recognize absurdity since, unlike rationality, it cannot recognize its own limitations. *Passes smiley-teeth the drink of his choice* Hydration is major; I'm partial to Gator Ade, myself (especially bought in powder form). Then there's Dr Pepper, of course. [see ]

Does anyone else remember the old Mountain Dew ads (circa 1970)? They featured a caricature hillbilly in a wooden cabin, hollering "Yahoo! Mountain Dew!" The image was far removed from the modern bungee-jumping-mountain-biking-extreme-sports thing they're doing now. An interesting shift.

There are still some old billboards around with the hillbilly on it.

Mountain dew originally referred to Moon Shine - this may explain the hillbilly

Indeed. There is a bluegrass song (called "That Good Old Mountain Dew") that goes like this: "They call it that old mountain dew / and them that refuse it are few / I'll hush up my mug if you'll fill up my jug / with some good old mountain dew Yeeeeehaw!"

The Mountain Dew ads used to have a line that said, "It'll tickle your innards." Very hillbilly. I guess that's why I grew up learning to call the stuff "alligator piss," since that was the name my older and very disdainful brothers gave it.

Dewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..... mmmmmmm

Have you considered drinking more coffee? For something different, chocolate covered coffee beans are a trip. If you don't have that, you could get some magic shell chocolate syrup, some ground coffee, a cookie sheet, and a convenient freezer and make some fission candy.

The minute that someone comes up with coffee that tastes like Mountain Dew, I'll drink it.


Jolt Cola -- hfx_ben

Devotees of Mountain Dew have a reputation for mania where their preferred beverage is concerned:

At a previous job, we used to say that there were three types of debugging fluid: "Hot, Brown" (coffee), "Cold, Brown" (cola), and "Cold, Green" (Mountain Dew). It was generally accepted that Cold Green was superior to Hot Brown, which was superior to Cold Brown - not in taste, but in effectiveness. Of course, this is a case of confusing correlation with causality, because Cold Green Debugging Fluid was usually what we used when debugging a particularly difficult problem late at night, and Hot Brown Debugging Fluid was usually used relatively early in the day, when we were probably more effective anyway.

Um, did you consider the possibility of writing your code such that you didn't need to be wired on some toxic, addictive alkoloid/sugar mix so that you could stay up all night "debugging" it?

Actually, large amounts of caffeine in any form are necessary for those programmers who lack Aspergers Syndrome to achieve the mode of thinking necessary to grok programming. I would like to see anyone not in this mode of thinking write any amount of *useful* code WITHOUT ANY BUGS. Especially if you work for a major company and are thus assigned to do work rather than coding what ye will.

As the original 'debugging fluid' writer (several years ago now, I think), yes, it would have been better to write it correctly in the first place; with a few years' hindsight, though, that was the least of our problems there. And to the second, more recent comment: no, vast amounts of caffeine aren't necessary to write solid code, if you're getting sufficient sleep. I think that we used caffeine as a poor substitute for that addictive (but far more healthy) substance. -- Tim Lesher

Why don't programmers drink Tonic Water instead? Why all these Mountain Dew, Jolt Cola, Dr Pepper?

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