Skip Mc Cormick

Skip Mc Cormick is a fun guy. He is also an IT author and consultant to companies including Litton/PRC, Northrop Grumman, Harris Corp., The Discovery Channel, Satellite Services of America, The US Patent and Trademark Office, SAIC, DARPA, The Office of the Secretary of Defense, The Interoperability Clearinghouse ( ), the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), and the Objective Technology Group.

Skip has accumulated a diverse background in many information systems areas, including computer security, artificial intelligence, super-data-computing, ultra-large scale data mining, distributed object computing, and technical project management with the MITRE Corporation as chief software architect and development lead for secure, web-based distributed collaboration and the NIMA Interoperable Technology Reification with Objects (NITRO) project for the National Imagery and Mapping Agency [now the National Geospatial Agency (NGA)], and MITRE�s Data Integration and Synergistic Collateral Usage Study (DISCUS) project.

As webmaster and coordinator for the Anti Patterns Group ( ), Skip interfaces constantly with fellow Patterns and Anti Patterns discoverers, and is always working on a new book (and frequently Lurking the Wiki Web).

Skip is a sought-after speaker, recently speaking at JAOO, the Premier European Conference on Java� and Object Orientation in Denmark and the Visual Basic Insiders' Technical Summit (VBITS) in Orlando. Skip is a co-author of the Anti Patterns series published by J. S. Wiley, including Anti Patterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures and Projects in Crisis (Anti Patterns Book); Anti Patterns and Patterns in Configuration Management; and Anti Patterns in Project Management, and has written for technical journals including Dr Dobbs Journal.

Skip holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland, and resides in Manassas, Virginia , with lovely his wife, Kim, and two children.

He can be reached my email:

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