Smallest Federated Wiki

The Smallest Federated Wiki was the founding project that has grown into many sites running substantially evolved client and server software.

Ward Cunningham started the federation in 2011 with a workshop project called Smallest Federated Wiki or simply SFW.

The data visualization and sharing mechanisms were supported by Nike's Sustainable Business and Innovation group.

Early history has been documented in a series of video screencasts. Search for "video".

Federated Wiki sites share pages circulating within a creative commons.

A single-page browser application can read from many sites at once and save changes in that browser.

Users who host their own sites can login there to have their edits shared back to the federation as they edit.

A community of open-source developers maintain both the client-side and server-side applications most frequently used to browse and edit pages.

Pages themselves are composed of paragraph-sized items of various kinds.

This same community provides a core set of plugins for rich content pages and a variety of experimental plugins that push boundaries of web computing. github

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We introduce the parts of a Federated Wiki page. The "story" is a collection of paragraphs and paragraph like items. The "journal" collects story edits. Should you take my page and edit it as yours, I can see what you've done and may decide to take your edits as my own.

We've talked about the Neighborhood, but have not gone into it in great detail. Here we talk about what the Neighborhood is, and how to list all pages in it.

Here we list some important stages in the history of the development of the Smallest Federated Wiki software.

A complete thought is more important than a complete sentence. Write to be read in progress. Expect your work to be consumed and discarded before it is finished.

We imagine federated wiki as a medium for authoring, distributing and consuming reports.

We hold a Video Chat Wednesdays at 10am pacific.

We discuss changes to the federated wiki in GitHub issues . Search there for interesting history.


What are we trying to do here? Why do we call it wiki? Does the web really need a new way to communicate?

Personas for likely users of the new wiki.

Patterns important to a robust experience.

Related Sites with similar or supplementary goals.


Federated Wiki at One provides our first look back.

How is our work going? What have we learned so far? Should you be writing in a federation? How does that happen?

Incremental Paragraphs documents our writing style.

How Word Gets Around making many sites feel like one.

Chorus of Voices in a planned community.

Diversity in Service and our rejection of monoculture.

First Write Who & What on your welcome page.

See more Reflections


How done is this software? Who makes it and how? Do we want more ideas? Do we want coding help?

Wants and Needs for our future.

Interesting Places to work on SFW.

Quirks of History that happen evolving software.

Obscure Workarounds for as-yet-unimplemented features.

Release Process as a checklist.

Coding Tips remind me how to get things done.

Live Demos prepared as presentations.

We publish federated wiki software as a Node.js package ready to run on a variety of platforms. This is usefully run on a personal laptop or an industrial server in the cloud. Most people get started by joining a community and launching sites and/or servers with their help. The server software supports a multi-tenant "farm" option useful for small groups or heavy users. npm

How is our work going? What have we learned so far? Should you be writing in a federation? How does that happen?

Here we discuss the basic features and motivations for using a federated wiki.

Here we discuss the basic features and motivations for using a federated wiki.

Catalog of federated wiki sites with domain names for page titles and brief descriptions tuned for search.

Taken from here . Need to figure out plugins on the site I think - check out DAQ.

How done is this software? Who makes it and how? Do we want more ideas? Do we want coding help?

You can wander all day in the federation, and it's easy to get sidetracked. Here we link you directly to the things you must be do/be able to do before the March Happening, in a nice linear style. You can still wander if you want, but if you want to do the minimum, go through this list, skip the byways, and you will be set.

The vision and ideas that we are building into the Smallest Federated Wiki.

This is a motivation page, for the educational and pedagogical uses of wiki-writing and refactoring.
