Aamod Sane

I used to be a student at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, but for a few letters added to my name, I gave it up :-(. I still refuse to let go completely;

Aamod Sane 199010, Kenneth Mac Gregor, and Roy Campbell. Distributed Virtual Memory Consistency Protocols: Design and Performance. In Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop in Experimental Distributed Systems, pages 91-96, Huntsville, Alabama, October 1990.

Aamod Sane 199210 and Roy Campbell. Subclassing state machines. Technical Report UIUCDCS, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, October 1992.

I have worked on operating systems, networking protocols, orbs, visualization tools, case tools. I am one of the early contributors to design patterns; I also manage the patterns page. I like modeling and analysis, I am an expert in Catalysis.

I am interested in Chief Architect/Technical Manager positions.

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