Colleen Pridemore

Searle's quote about Strong Ai really tugged at my lifeline.

How did Strong Ai tug at your lifeline?

It was the comprehension of cognitive states. In my opinion, AIEmotion? is going to be the most difficult state to achieve. [An example of this emotional difficulty occurs at Are We Code ] Mere language or any outside influence for that matter can evoke emotion to the host, but true emotion is innate within the larger system. It is already there in our natural state of being. It exists before any cognitive reasoning. The lifeline being tugged IS emotion . Colleen Pridemore

Composition vs. Inheritance in OOP -- Which is more natural?

Why re-invent the wheel? Copying seems to be very natural. In programming, we tend to use "copy & paste" functions quite a bit when writing code. However, in our physical dimension, complex systems in nature do not only copy, but use integrated inheritance.

Consider a tree. Trees are fractals; the entire picture of a tree is mirrored in each of it's branches. Being a fractal, a tree has a higher functioning capability than say, a blade of grass - which is not a fractal.

Trees have many functions like producing oxygen for the earth's atmosphere, providing shade, food and wood. A good example of higher functions would be the tree's leaves, which drop to the ground and fertilize the earth, which in turn, fertilizes the plants surrounding the tree which nourishes another larger system; the earth.

To further the example, consider the universe itself. Planets are roughly spherical in shape as are their orbits. Black holes are spherical or spiral in shape as well. If inheritance were not happening, there would just be little copies of separate things everywhere instead of matter working on an integrated level.

This means the microcosm is inheriting the state or function of, the macrocosm.

All this inter-relatedness of natural systems implies inheritance rather than separate composition of each element. Inheritance, rather than composition is clearly a more natural programming style to be used in Object Oriented Programming. --Colleen Pridemore

Here's a little about me: . -- Colleen Pridemore

Welcome to Wiki.

Thanks for the warm reception! I've placed myself in the Minorities On Wiki. -- Colleen Pridemore

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